
This morning was dreary. I could hear the rain pitter pattering on my roof and windows. I was in no hurry to get out of my warm, comfy bed.

Then a call from JL; walkies? Within minutes, I was up and getting the animals sorted.

A wee while later, Rae, JL, the poochies and I were all at the beach, having a bracing walk.

Thanks, JL, for getting my lazy butt out of bed and for encouraging us all to go for a lovely walk.

Coffee at the Brick Mill, then home to get some wood sorted for the fire (Rae is a legend on the axe - I'm more your sweep and vacuum kind of a girl!)

B is on his way round for a photoshoot - he has an awesome beard at the moment. I may change my pic and swap it with one of him later on, if they're any good. EDIT: As suspected, here is one of the shots I took of B.

Then a wee meeting to go to. No idea what the rest of the day will hold, but at least the sun is trying to break through the clouds.

Bye all.


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