Lola love...
This is poor Peter's third attempt to visit us this month!
Previous attempts were scuppered by the weather (severe ice) and it looked like this weekend was going to be ruined too, but after discussion this morning P was happy to drive the hour and 45 mins to get here. Yay! :-))
Arriving in time for lunch, we had a good old catch up and after lunch an exchange of Christmas and birthday gifts. Peter is one of the best gift givers I know. Always so thoughtful and spot on with his choices. This year no different. As you can see from the blurriness of Lola's tail being wagged enthusiastically, she was also enthralled with her gifts from P.
Thank you P, once again you have been over generous and so kind,and we love all of our gifts :D
Couldn't ignore the fact it was Rabbie's birthday so dinner was haggis, tatties and peeps, with salted caramel and pecan roulade for dessert.
Rounded the evening off watching the Bourne Supermacy. Love the Bourne series of films.
So glad the weather has improved!
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