All Is Calm
I had my appointment with my cardiologist this morning. She is quite pleased with my apparent good heart health. No need for another appointment until same time next year. The office had not seen hubby’s lost jacket; he was sorely disappointed with my text. He was finally able to put away our spotlights from Christmas. They were frozen in the ground/snow until today when our temps got above freezing. I decided to take the scenic route home. As small as our county is, it amazes me there are roads I’ve never traveled. Thank goodness for GPS because I ended up in a neighborhood maze and would have never found my way home without it. I was in a community with loads of river access. Somehow, I got to a dead end with an inlet. The water was filled with several ducks and geese. They were content to let me enjoy their antics and I wished I’d had more time to spend with them. Could have used binoculars also as I could not clearly identify a few. I stopped at a shop and ordered a ham and cheese wrap for lunch. I met hubby at our school. It is Catholics Schools Week and we always help with the ice cream social the Knights host for the students. The children are so polite. There was even enough left for us old folks to enjoy a bowl. We came home and rested our knees after standing on concrete for hours. We’ll have a quiet evening. Our BBQ and sweet potatoes are already cooked. Wishing you some free time also. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by.
“All along the backwater,
Through the rushes tall,
Ducks are a-dabbling,
Up tails all!” - Kenneth Grahame
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