Living my dream

By Mima

Bouncy Bean

My girl was more full of beans today than she has been for a few weeks. 

I don't know what has made her so perky, but I'm delighted. Of course she may be more subdued again tomorrow, but however brief it is wonderful to see her more like herself.

We see Emily Vet in the morning, which may well be the start of a proper improvement if we decide to put Bean on meds. I can't remember if I've explained that the investigations a couple of weeks ago revealed a murmur and enlarged heart. We will be discussing options for treatment at length. (Of course I have a list of things to talk about.)

And it will be interesting to see how much weight she has put on this week: she has been eating enthusiastically! 

It has been a day full of gardening at G's, gardening Chez M&B, picking veg, thinking about the first big batch of summer veg soup for the freezer (to be cooked tomorrow), and feeding Sheila Dough-matua so that I can mix and prove a couple of sourdough loaves first thing tomorrow.

I'm happily tired this evening.

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