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Saturday and The Bossess is back. She can almost fold her busted, now mended, finger completely flat but she has a booking with the Physio hand expert for later so The Boss decided that a celebratory breakfast was called for.
As you maybe kno The Boss is a very healthy eater so they (note they…OK) had free farmed NZ bacon, grilled on an electric grill powered from sustainable, renewable source electricity and served on toasted Ciabatta rolls toasted using the same clean electricity, smothered with the finest Canadian Maple Syrup from glass bottles, topped with fresh (2 weeks old) local free farmed eggs from a chicken called Henrietta, delivered to the supermarket in an electric truck with zero exhaust emissions and gently poached using steam from a filtered water supply. Zero also featured in the refreshment department, from totally recyclable bottles of course.
They had thought about toast but reneged half way through the above so I can skip the toast specification thank goodness.
I had Grub. It was delicious as always.
It was after this that The Boss decided to watch a webinar on ebook publication and I thought he needed a BIG walk. This is my very best “you need a BIG walk” look but in actual fact he got distracted doing other stuff and The Bossess took me out with her friend. I did seem to spend an unusually long time in Suzz outside Edgewater while they had an important meeting to drink coffee.
Yap…It’s all go here today.
Paw note… Thank you for your enthusiastic support of yesterdays “Morning on the Farm” and all the input to the web picture question. Very much appreciated and some good suggestions came to light. WOOF!!!
Second Paw Note…This shot was done on the iPhone using an app called “Camera Awesome” from the SmugMug folk which has a very good stabiliser (and other stuff including wacky humour). There was no flash and the shot was natural light in The Boss’s studio which is not bright at the best of times.
Oh and the curls the curls.
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