
By SparseRunner


On Wednesdays, A rows with the Dawn Raiders, and goes out in the evening, so I get to walk Django twice. It was pleasant this morning, so we went through the Estate, before dropping back home through Penicuik. I took the opportunity to christen my new Garmin. I've had the old one about 15 years, it didn't have enough memory to update its software, a battery life of about four hours, and the strap was disintegrating rapidly. Hence, it didn't owe me anything. The new one is much more complicated, gives pulse rates in real time, and a claimed battery life of about two weeks!

Back home, I started to work through a list of things I'd promised to people yesterday, but then stopped to work on the report that's needed for one of our major funders. Hopefully I'll finish it after I've cooked, walked Django, and watched some of the Champions League action.

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