Snow day
The birds were fueling up this morning, ready for the snow later and the cold temperatures tomorrow. The northern flicker and a song sparrow were the first to visit. The starlings were here most of the day. I spotted the female cardinal in a tree next door, then there were 2 males there, but only one stayed longer than a minute. The female decided to come over to the deck, she landed on the railing, but would have had to fight off the starlings for a spot on the feeder. The downy woodpecker pair spent some time going between the suet feeders and the tree. The white breasted nuthatch spent some time in the tree. After I filled the feeders again, he came over for the peanuts. There were half a dozen chickadees around off and on all day. At least a dozen gold finches spent most of the day here. The mourning doves spent a few hours sitting in the tree, and occasionally one would come to the feeder. The squirrels were MIA all day, although one could have been around while I was out.
I did get out to Walmart this morning to pick up my prescription. My street had not been plowed or salted all night, unusual since I am on a hill. The main roads were bare.
I felt like making supper tonight, so I made a potato scallop and chicken parmesan. The potatoes will be enough for 3 meals and the chicken enough for 2 meal. While the potatoes were in the oven I went out to shovel some snow. The snow had stopped and the temperature was +2 C. We may get a few more cm of snow tonight, and the temperature is supposed to drop the forecast high tomorrow is -11 C with a wind chill of -21 C.
I'm glad that I can stay home tomorrow. I'm supposed to work on Friday but there is another storm in the forecast for Friday afternoon. It is a 30 minute drive to where I am working on a good day, there is no way I will drive that far when the roads are slippery.
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