I have always enjoyed the after dinner coffee that Nick makes most evenings but since buying the new coffee grinder he has gone from strength to strength. As I failed to take any photographs today my mug of coffee is today’s blip.
The weather was beautiful and I really enjoyed the day. In the morning I met up with two friends whom I don’t see often enough. We were all invited for coffee (obviously today’s theme) at the home of a mutual friend and had a great time swapping news and considering ideas for putting the world (as we know it) to rights. The afternoon was spent with Bertie out in the garden, clearing more of Nick’s hedge laying offcuts. It’s a big job which may take me a couple more days. There was a bit of a concern when I discovered some deer droppings amongst the azalea bushes. They were a few days old but where is the deer that left them and how did it get into the garden? On further investigation with Bertie we found hoof prints along the deer fence on our garden side so we will need to look into this more closely tomorrow.
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