Another Seasalter sunset
It was a beautiful day. Too lovely to be stuck in while the electrician worked on the utility room and outside lights.
Fortunately, by the time I’d got back from a blood test he was finished so we hightailed it out to Whitstable to walk from Seasalter via Tankerton to Long Rock and back.
As I said, a glorious day with blue skies and a cool, gentle breeze. The atmosphere was crystal clear with an iron hard horizon and the Thames estuary Maunsell Forts, wind farms and ships sharply visible.
We stopped at our usual locations, in a sheltered spot at the Harbour for packed lunch and at the Hotel Continental for coffee and scone on the way out and tea on the way back.
At this time of year, on these sorts of days Whitstable sunsets can be spectacular. Each is different. The unusual thing about this one is that the colour seen here was nowhere near where the sun actually set, away to the left. It’s like the sun was bleeding out from the back of cloud which was obscuring its setting location.
Here are a few from previous sunsets:
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