Abstract Thursday - ‘Bubbles’
The walk up the road to St Luke’s this morning made me out of breath, thanks to the chesty cold I’ve been saddled with. I’m definitely on the mend, but suffering the dry tickly throat aftermath. I ducked my turn assisting with the chalice in case I should cough over it, and as it turned out I did have a 5-minute splutter just before going up for communion so that was a good decision. I didn’t take the wine, though I don’t think I’m infectious any more.
It was good to get out, and to join in with coffee at The Exchange.
I was whacked out by the time I got home, though did find the energy to continue with the box sorting and there’s now another box to flatten and take out to the garage - yay!!
Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting the Abstract Thursday challenge. This week’s theme is ‘Bubbles’. My blip is based on a glass globe which contains air bubbles. It belonged to Mum, who loved everything made of glass. It is quite fascinating to look into the depths of a glass paperweight like this one - the bubbles forever trapped and frozen in time. Glass is quite a magical material. It is a solid, albeit an odd one. It is called an amorphous solid because it lacks the ordered molecular structure of true solids, and yet its irregular structure is too rigid for it to qualify as a liquid. It holds me in thrall just as it did my mother.
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