Buck up!
Tomatoes hereabouts are taking an age to ripen due to the lack of steady warmth and sunshine. My plants are laden, but only the Gold Nugget variety has started to ripen. I have eaten the astounding total of five tomatoes so far!
There might be a lot of green tomato chutney being made this year.
I gardened with G this morning. It is the first time for weeks that we have managed to be in the same place at the same time, so there was a lot of arm-waving conversation to catch up on. Less gardening was done than usual...
Somehow I have accumulated eight library books, and four more books borrowed from friends. I normally have four, maybe five in my book pile. 12 has put me in a bit of a spin. Accordingly I dedicated my 'lunch hour' to reading. I am enjoying an undemanding novel at the moment: The Librarians of Rue de Picardie by Janet Skeslien Charles. It is great for a summer's day on the window seat.
For yes! Summer is back, maybe temporarily. I am making the most of it. Shorts are on. Bean has been baking.
A day to draw breath and .... relax!
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