While on my runs

By waipushrink


Another day mostly spent in Swanson. At one point we heard a bang on a window, and on investigation I saw a Tui lying amongst reeds and dried leaves. From the deck looking down on the bird, it looked badly injured. I went down from the deck to look more closely. (See the extra of the stunned bird.) A dry piece of the reed was near the body, so I moved it.

Whereupon the Tui folded its wings and moved slightly, although remaining basically inert. As it was moving both its wings and its head, I judged that it was recovering having been stunned by the impact with a window. I stayed distant from it and watched for a while.

I decided to call Mr H to also see this, and as approached the balustrade on the edge of the deck, the Tui fled (flying) into the trees on the banks of the the creek below the house. 

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