
By CleanSteve

Swirling crops under the Cotswold sky

I've been feeling the after-effects of the long drive back from Scotland so haven't felt like doing much. The garden has needed watering and dead-heading, but I haven't actually planted anything as I had planned. Maybe tomorrow.

Woodpeckers said she would come with me to the farm shop in Bisley, so we rushed off to get there before they closed at 1pm today. It was good to see the owners again and have time for a chat as we stocked up with their bountiful goodies such as eggs, vegetables and bird food.

I took the back road to Catswood to try and find a blip shot. After a half mile drive between the cereal fields on the Cotswold plateau, I saw the golden colour of the crops swaying in the strong wind. A gap in the dry stone wall allowed me to get into the field and take a couple of shots of the wide open views across the fields, towards the edge of the Slad valley, where Catswood lies. This reminds me of the hot summer of 1975 when I first came to nearby Througham, and helped with the hay gathering on the farm where I was working.

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