vers des jours plus courageux

STRAVA Day 1343- indoor yoga

Ride from home to gym to home with Black Truvativ

It was raining around the time that I usually chase sunrise. Even if I had the option to use our home gym to do the ThenX workout of the day, decided to cycle to our local gym instead. As I wasn't the first one there this morning, seeing a couple of others doing their own thing somehow motivated me to go for a freestanding handstand attempt. 
Out of the series of burst shots from self-timer, the image above turned out half decent. While I definitely need more patience to endure hours of skill training and to continue being focused and committed, am celebrating this brave moment. 
T has not returned from his out of town competition as I write this but we're expecting him within an hour. Looking forward to hearing his stories from his experience. 

Have a good weekend!

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