On This Day

By Tweedy


I've had a birdy morning and nearly blipped the heron but I'm glad I didn't because I subsequently saw this lovely kestrel and it has made the cut today. It was watching Flora and me intently. 

Delightful time last night. We'd all had a bit of a wardrobe clear out and taken our unwanted clothes and accessories to our friend's house. Good to have a swap around with donations made to a local charity. The things that didn't go to a new home will be taken to a charity shop. There was some good quality stuff as you'd imagine from such a stylish bunch of women! 

First thing this morning I was at the physio attached to the GP surgery. I came away with some exercises to loosen my neck and shoulder muscles. I'll get on to them later. 

The rather gloomy, cloudy weather looks as if it might improve this afternoon so I'll be outside pottering in the garden I hope. It really is quite cold but the washing is out getting an airing if not being dried. 

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