
By dogwithnobrain

Is it I'm digging Your scene

Wow. Today was intense. 

My old boss (the good one) let me know that the people I didn't want to see would be out of the office 

So at four thirty Si drove me in and together we walked into my office and started to bag up my personal possessions.., including two plants which have grown from 8 inch pots to  25 inches and are both almost four foot.  It took some manoeuvring to get them in the car 

It felt weird and awkward being there.  My work bestie is looking as stressed as I have been.  Everyone I spoke to all said how well I was looking which was nice 

I realised that I was not going to be able clear everything in half an hour so I checked everything was clear for me to back tomorrow.  

I was delighted when I left when I saw the snowdrops which I had planted last year had appeared in my absence 

I was exhausted when I got home. And all my muscles were aching 


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