Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Bus Challenge No 236

Colerne, Wiltshire 

Daycare went to plan today so took the bus into Bath to meet up with my BC friend, then a second bus east into Wiltshire, and up to the village of Colerne on the southern edge of the Cotswolds. Wonderful blue skies, beautiful views in all directions.

We had less than two hours for our outing so the plan was to walk down into the valley to the village of Box, have lunch there then catch a return bus. All went to plan until we encountered what you can see in my third extra. After all the recent rain the brook had burst its banks and flooded the road. I was quite happy to paddle through but J flatly refused. So we had no choice but to head back up to Colerne, knowing that we'd have to try and get a taxi back to Bath as there was no bus. At that point a car appeared so I flagged it down, explained our predicament, and the driver very kindly gave us a lift through the flood. We then hopped out of the car and continued our walk to Box where we had an alfresco lunch in the sun at The Bird Cage Café, before catching the bus back to Bath and then home.

Bus journey time = 1hr 50mins
Waiting between buses time = 29mins
Total bus journey time = 2hr 19mins

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