
By ciorstain

Friday - CEO Day

I went for a bit to the Banter in the morning, then post office and then getting my nail fixed as I must have done something to it that was dessilving the varnis.
Ketie fixed it right away.

Back home and at my desk updating all my CEO files and getting everything uo to date.
Cash flow forecast is done and books are done and a few more adnmin things are done.
Billed too.

Not all is ready YET - so some stuff is left for tomorrow.
Over the weekend I can finish my planning work )

We went the first time since ages to Pulp for Blinner.
It is a bit off the plan with our low carb food at the moment but it is good food - so it won't harm.

Tomorrow I am taking Neil out to Table 28 in the City before we go to the Ceolas Concert at Celtic Connections.

Looking forward to that.

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