Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones


This book was recommended by blipper Mima, who is a seasonal cheese maker. I managed to buy a secondhand copy, as it’s quite an old book (1985 I think).
I have just a flick through, and I can see that the author was completely passionate about British Cheese! Meaning proper, farm made cheese using raw, unpasteurised milk. Apparently unpasteurised milk develops higher acidity levels which suppress any harmful bacteria, unlike pasteurised.
Rance is totally scathing about block cheese which he describes as having the texture and taste of cardboard held together by flour and water paste.
I am looking forward to reading it thoroughly, and I think he records a few cheese recipes, so maybe there will be something to try, perhaps cheese blued by drawing a mouldy leather harness through the curds?

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