Flower Friday : : A Wet Narcissus
The rain arrived as promised sometime before I got up this morning. Gail is the only one who showed up for coffee this morning (besides us) so she received a very large bag of tangerines.
The rain has continued all day so a picture of a drippy narcissus, one of a stand of them blooming next to our driveway, was all I got today. They actually look quite pretty and are always one of the first flowers to bloom, but as a result, they often get rained on and start looking a bit droopy. This one was keeping its head up and looked quite pretty covered in droplets.
Caroline, our cleaner, usually comes in the morning but our usual day was while she was on a two week trip to England visiting her mother. She fit us in this afternoon. She does a great job and has a good heart, but she could talk the hind leg off a donkey! Plus Spike doesn't like the vacuum cleaner or the rain so we spent the afternoon just trying to keep out of the way.
We keep hearing that the economy is good right now, but the Santa Rosa school board is currently trying to decide which schools...one high school, two middle schools and three elementary schools...to close. Sonoma State University just blindsided their students closing down half the degree programs in the middle of the year and terminating all athletics. All these moves are supposed to be closing budget deficits due to declining enrollment, but this seems a funny way to go about attracting students.
And I fear this is only the beginning as the current president wreaks havoc with arbitrary tariffs and nonsensical mandates, sidelining Congress and firing government workers.
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