Muntjac story

Came face to face with this female Muntjac deer in Longparish this morning.

Herewith some info about this unusual creature :

Don't let its seductive, doe eyes fool you. Or its glossy russet coat and Bambi looks. No, the muntjac is a wolf in deer's clothing - and it's taking over Britain.
They devour native woodland plants at a terrifying rate, destroy vital bird habitats and can go berserk if unleashed on a suburban garden. They also breed like rabbits.
But are they really all bad? The muntjac is certainly one of the strangest deer, not just in Britain, but on Earth. It is also one of the most ancient, and may have been on the menu of primeval predators 35million years ago.

Diminutive, furtive and canny, it is also one of the least studied. Originating in South-East Asia, it first set hoof in Britain as a legal immigrant in 1900, brought into the country as a plaything by the then Duke of Bedford.
But they are clever little beasts and once they were breeding at Woburn Abbey, the Duke's Bedfordshire estate, it was only a matter of time before they found an unsecured gate through which to escape.

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