'Get that camera out of my face...'

'and let me passssssssssssssss!

Okay - I won't argue with that!

Well, this was an unexpected capture. We were walking along our favourite woodland path, Alfred excitedly running ahead, when Mr K (who is often the one who spots many of the animals I blip - must give him his due!) stopped dead in his tracks and pointed downwards with a gasp! There was this (okay - I was going to write 'massive' but that might be a slight exaggeration!) snake blocking the path with his three quarters of a metre long body! I'm glad Alfred didn't notice him as he ran past! Now I've never seen a wild snake before - only those really mini ones that look like big worms - so this was amazing to me. I wasn't sure whether to crouch down to take the shot, or if he would pounce on me with his fangs out... well I'm inexperienced with snakes! Anyway - anything for a blip so I risked it and am glad to report I got away unscathed! The snake, who had a bulge in his midsection - a poor mouse no doubt - got fed up with me after a few shots and did a u-turn back into the bushes.

Celebrating with a glass of red wine and prawn curry tonight! Alfred's got olive oil fried chicken chunks - a one off luxury - he's normally limited to boiled. :-)

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