Vive La France!
Classic French scene here: four old blokes whiling away the summer evening with a game of boules... Or our kids being ferociously competitive and making up rules like there's no tomorrow:
"You can't win by hitting the jack if you've put your foot over the line".
"What line?"
"I'll draw one. But that last game doesn't count because you put your foot over the line I'm going to draw."
The two older kids are so clearly destined to be lawyers that it was actually quite charming to hear them argue it out. The best player though was our friends' daughter (seen crouching) who mostly won. Conor (seen turning around) was playing with the blue balls. Why can't you see any of the blue balls? Because they are about 20 yards behind me. Conor completely failing to understand that you didn't win by just throwing the balls the furthest. Or maybe just not caring about any of that, for the sheer joy of throwing the balls the furthest... and then turning around to watch the much more exciting football game going on behind him.
We aimed for nothing higher today than a bit of loafing around. We left the house just in time for lunch in a nice shady restaurant, lazily drove to a park that was 5 minutes walk away, then lay down all afternoon and let the kids 'have some independence' (ie not bother us much).
Dinner and a movie (Milk).
A grand day.
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