Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A grey and snowy start to the day ..

...so Skeena's Mono Month challenge was easily met this morning...

We ummed and aahed about venturing out at all - as did many others at breakfast - but decided to give it a whirl until we'd had enough. 

We had the best couple of hours of the day, then when it really clagged in we waved the white flag and caught the bubble down to Aosta for a fuddle.

Silly Saturday blips have been relegated to extras - the green snail still hasn't made it to the roof, and the pink and yellow ones have disappeared!


Jane - aka Blipper 59 - also requested special treatment for non-skiing blip buddies since we did a run for the skiers... She suggested pastries might hit the mark, so our elevenses on the hill are there - happy to take one for the team ;)
Plus a window display down in Aosta - all the pastries you could ever want!

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