One Green (I mean Brown) Bottle...
It's Imbolc. If you measure annual time in quarters, it is that part of the Wheel of the Year with snowdrops, candles and young sheep. Halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox, it is Springtime and long looked forward to.
It's also Silly Saturday, and on our afternoon walk I came across this tree stump offering. I think perhaps it looks disreputable enough to have been pulled out of the river that lies to left of picture, perhaps by an angler, but for the rest of the walk I was humming "and if one green bottle should accidentally fall..."
On a more serious note, my Parish Clerk had a massive heart attack yesterday and is in intensive care today having been supported through her husband's CPR until an ambulance arrived. All my thoughts are of peace and healing, and a candle burns this night.
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