
By MumOf4Wildlings


The jedi got nana Joan and Megan to join in with singing jingle bells this morning.  Did Megan the world of good to have a visit. And was lovely to see her feeling better.  Old age can suck at times. 

It's been a very busy day but enjoyable.  

The wildlings are now having dinner before I chuck them in the bath. 

I'm hoping for a early night tonight as I will be getting up for 5am tomorrow.  And I don't sleep well before a event from nerves. But I'm looking forward to it tomorrow.  And I won't put pressure on myself.  

Harp will be getting a visit from the tooth fairy tonight.  That's if she remembers to bring some pennies. She forgot the last time. Hahahaha 

And as you can see. My Lincoln has put some weight on since all his food sensory issues ( ARFID)

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