
By Marionb

He's back....

Mr. Hawk has been hanging about a lot lately..the food supply here must be good?  He is a treat to watch..but not easy to photograph. His favourite perch is high in the sky on a tree behind my garden...on a limb surrounded by  a tangle of small branches...and his head is almost always behind one of those said branches!  This time he was grooming and every now and then, he leaned forward enough to expose his face!  Snap!

For those who notice little things, I did not post yesterday. I was still in shock most of the day lamenting the loss of what little hair I had left after the last scary haircut 5 weeks ago. Compared to what I came home with this time around, that haircut had left me with luxurious locks! Which part of "trim" do some hairdressers not understand? I am SHORN! And I shall not look in a mirror for at least a month! 

I had already committed to going to see a documentary on Malala at the library with a friend that night, but could think of no reason to cancel - a shorn head not really being a reasonable excuse - so I followed through on my commitment and luckily , as I had hoped, I knew not one other person there. Whew.  

And yes, I could have seen the film on some streaming service, but as the DRIFF* rep who hosted it reminded us  - films were meant to be seen with others and discussed afterward...oh..I had not known that... so was much pleased with myself that I had chosen to attend.

So that was yesterday; today was another lazy day - a cold and gray one, not one that beckoned one to step outdoors. With so much to watch on tv - impending tariffs, and tragic plane crashes, the only thing I managed to produce was a small batch of oatmeal cookies  - warm from the oven - the perfect accompaniment to enjoy whilst watching depressing news...

Luckily for me, along came Mr. Hawk to brighten my day and offer up a blip - again! 

* Durham Region International Film Festival  

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