Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Lunch at Sibul


Ever since she saw it advertised, G has been wanting to try the January special at a nearby cafe that we like to support. There's nothing like leaving it to the last day. :(

After finishing my morning shift, I got dressed, and we walked down. There were white fluffy clouds in the sky, so I was glad I had a "proper" camera with me rather than relying on my phone. We got to the cafe, only to discover it was closed. Friday timings are different due to the Friday prayers. Argh.

We came home and I had a call with a new intern before we tried again. It was nearly 2:40 by now. You can see our club sandwiches in the last picture. It was great to be at the cafe in the daytime to get shots of the graffiti on the buildings. The Municipality did this a few years ago, to bring life and interest to these old buildings.

The afternoon passed quickly. The big thing was drafting an email on procedures to follow to reduce stress/heartache for the team. And once again, leaving it to the last moment, I created a video for January although by the time it was finished and ready to publish, we were thirty minutes into February. The first month of 2025 is over already.

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