Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Me in a tree

Henry excelled himself this morning by not only escaping but getting stuck thirty feet up in the air on the neighbour’s tree.

See the extra for a schematic that shows the annotated arboreal cat extraction procedure.

After that we 

- did some cleaning;
- took Dylan to the vets (he had a cut over his eye after getting in a scrap with another cat);
- Entertained a neighbour who is moving out and wanted a last hug;
- met the Dizzle’s friend Mr O and his girlfriend (we have known Mr O since he was two and he is now twenty eight);
- Undertook a visual examination of the Yoga Mama’s stroller (one wheel is loose but we established that it is wobbly but won’t fall off);;
- had a family meal (Strider came over for Saturday night pasta).

Exhausting really…

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