Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Saturday fun

Hubby managed to have a cycle this morning, was still quite cold and he had to force himself out but pleased he did.

Trip over to our son and daughter-in-laws - they are trying to get their house organised so we offered to go over and play with Phoebe, and look after Frank, to enable them to get on.  Phoebe wanted to do puzzles, she is very good and manages well on her own (some of them were a bit too hard for her, so we did them together).  She is such a little chatter box and has lots of giggles.  We also played shops and built some Lego.  Returned home leaving her eating her tea and mummy and daddy having a rest.

Film tonight - The Killers Game, with Dave Bautista:  thin story line, lots of blood/killings. Not one I would see again.


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