Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Great day for Eva and Jack. We took a punt and entered the riding club dressage at Pickering. She had a really good lesson yesterday with Hazel from PC but even so we weren't hopeful he would co-operate. He was an absolute superstar and came first in intro C. We managed to get a late on the day entry for prelim 2 as he'd gone so well in intro. Despite not practicing it or ever having ridden the test before they managed 3rd place! And the girls that won were much older (16/17 maybe). Jack seemed so happy to be back out and doing and Eva was absolutely thrilled with him. 

Got home about 2.30 and Eva announced she has 2 friends close birthdays next week. So had to take her to Fosse Park to buy presents. Then return to trip to the yard to feed and put the boys to bed. Tired now! 

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