Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

A puzzling day

Rain on and off all day today. I really want to get out for some fresh air - I need to get rid of this cold as there are two u3a meetings tomorrow which I’d like to attend. Even Rosie the cat sits by the front door waiting to go out, but when it’s opened for her she runs back inside!
It’s sad when I can’t remember what I did this morning! Spent most of it on the computer, I think, but then a friend phoned and I had a good chat with him.
After lunch I decided to look into my ‘Life and Times’ as I jokingly call the memories of my life. I’m not sure why I do it really as I can’t imagine that it will be of any huge interest to anyone - I’m not Michael Palin for goodness’ sake! I realised that I’d written various disjointed pieces and went through the whole thing, making sure that I had one copy containing everything in the right place, then copied that to an exterior hard drive. There’s so much still to do - my two plant-hunting trips to the Himalayas and the one to Chile as yet I’ve not begun. I had a quick tot-up just now - some 55,000 words so far! I must try to discipline myself to do a little bit every day.
Not having been anywhere, my Blip today is somewhat of an EB. MrsM finally completed the Oban puzzle. I did some of it, but struggled with the edges as so many bits were similar. Seems a shame to break it up after all that effort!
Now I think I’ll sit down with a cuppa and re-re-re-watch another episode of ‘The Waltons’ - probably my favourite TV series of all time!
Quote of the day: ‘By forcing yourself to write your life story you learn a great deal about yourself.’ -  Grant Achatz.

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