Well shucks. Thanks for all your love and great comments about yesterday.
I obviously didn't take these photos. The race photographer did. I look like a goon in these photos but a very happy goon. And as you can see that me and Gord had a great time yesterday.
I tried to get a early night last night but ended up on the sofa before midnight. And then my poor Jedi managed to climb out his bed ( suppose to be escape proof so maybe one of the wildlings moved the zip at bedtime). Anyway he was breaking his heart and was so upset with a sore ear. He lay on my tummy and didn't settle until near 2am. And every time I tried to move to the other sofa he would wake. I'm knackered today. But on a plus side he didn't complain of his ear when he woke up.
Everyone has had a good day. Homework is just about to get started. And I hope i get my early night tonight.
Thanks again.
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