Everyday Life

By Julez

Going Quackers!

This morning Brian decided to do some work on his CV and I gave him a hand with that. I need to maybe do something with mine too... Not that you can make a silk purse from a pig's ear...

Also I did a bit of research with a view to having a more healthy lifestyle - nothing too extreme, obviously or I would either last two days or become obsessive!

After lunch we went out to Boultham Park to look for our Blips. Brian has a better shot of the grey heron than I do and I like my mallard photo best of my shots. I have included a shot of the heron as an extra.
we travelled home via Sainsbury's for the weekly shop as Brian has some discount vouchers for there. I bought some stuff for some healthier meals, but I bought some bagels and frozen desserts too - one step at a time!

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