Mono Monday - ‘Green, but in Black & White’
Bit of a non-day really, feeling quite poorly. I’m hoping it’s the aftermath of the very heavy cold I’m recovering from, rather than something else starting up. My ribs, back and tummy really hurt and I’m breathless and headachey. Anyway I spent most of the morning asleep on the sofa, which I must have needed. However I still don’t feel much different this afternoon, so sadly won’t make it along to the Tiptree book club this evening.
I haven’t managed to do any more sorting because of feeling unwell, and what with that and the awful grey skies today I’ve sunk into quite a depressed state at the moment.
My blip for the Mono Monday challenge is a shot of the Stinking Hellebore in the garden - unlike its prettier cultivated cousins it is entirely green. So that’s my contribution to the ‘Green, but in Black & White’ theme this week - many thanks to heanku for hosting.
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