Need I Say More?
Being me, it is hard not to I will try to restrain myself, but let it just be known that today was not exactly a relaxing Sunday in the park.
Glued to the CBC most of the day..going through lists of USA products to not buy... planning for tough times ahead...feeling helpless but wanting to do something... anything - as meaningless as it may be in the big picture - just something to show solidarity with my fellow Canadians.
I have always loved my country, but I can't remember a time when being Canadian meant so much to me! I am angry and sad. Can the two go hand-in-hand? Anger of course, but sad too as they were our friends...and we don't want to lose them.
The anger is palpable up here north of the "world's longest undefended border", but I suspect there is sadness too...It just isn't as evident yet...
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