
By pandcjane

Margery and Layla

Today I aid that I would pick up Layla as Penny had some sort of medical check up with Otilie. So I popped down to Merrow to pick her up. Then I got myself in a minor pickle as I had in my mind that I had a check up in Ewell at 1230, so I set off at 1145 and after a couple of miles stopped to check my timings and the appointment was at 1330 so I came home and just have time to take Layla for a quick walk (shortened circuit). Check up took longer than usual so when I got home i went to take Layla for a 2nd walk (10113 steps so far) but she absolutely refused to go. So we went round to see my neighbour Margery instead which gave both Margery and Layla great pleasure. Margery loves dogs and Layla loves the treats that she dishes out. After that we got in the car again and went back to Penny. Otilie had her first round of jabs today and was very sleepy. I had a lovely long cuddle with her while Penny did a few chores. And then I shared a pizza with her and Steve, which was delicious if deeply unhealthy. Now home and going to call it a day. checked out Jupiter and Mars. Couldn't see Venus!

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