The Man had seen the wren in the garden yesterday so I was keeping a look-out for it today. It amazed me. I have never seen out out on the grass in the middle of the garden before. It pottered around for quite a while. Not good having to shoot through the window but so glad I got it.
I had to set the alarm for 6am this morning as we had to get to the lodge early to let the workmen in. I was surprised how soon I got out of bed and into the shower, I've been terrible in the morning lately.
The men were surprised I had laid on a tray of refreshments for them to have whenever they want. I was somewhat shocked when I saw the colour of the flooring I had chosen many weeks ago. It will hopefully look better with the different colour units on it.
We had a long chat about various things we needed to point out, then we left them to it.
We were back sooner than we thought: we got all the way home not realising we had left our keys at the lodge with us not needing to lock the door behind us. By that time the kitchen units and appliances were already out.
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