A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A tale of two Amaryllis!

A sunny but blowy walk up to Pilates in the village this morning but as rain was in the forecast it didn’t surprise me when it was wet when we came out.
My friend and I usually walk to the garden centre ( Woodbank) for our lunch but we took the car due to the rain. All change. 
Tables were set with cutlery and it is now all table service. Our habit is to have a coffee and a chat and then decide what to order to eat. We ordered the coffee and then had three separate people come to ask for our food order! Most attentive so I suppose you can’t really complain!

Not an inspiring afternoon for blips so I’ve turned to my two Amaryllis plants. The first is about to bloom, exciting. I bought this just before Christmas, it’s meant to be white so we will see.
The second one ( from the same source) was a Christmas gift and is just starting to grow a shoot. This one should be pink and white.
They seem to be taking their time but hopefully both will be worth the wait!
A miserable afternoon which feels colder than it actually is!

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