
By MsQuizzical

Barnacle Bill Or Barnacle Belle?*

Mish and I made a quick visit to Fishers Green. I exchanged pleasantries with a friendly man as I settled Mish in the van. When I got over the wobbly bridge he was at the viewing platform and pointed out this lone barnacle goose to me. I got lots of pics as it was very close.

I called in at the Wildlife Discovery Centre to find out if the bittern had been seen. The last time it was spotted was on 29th January. Friendly man was there and a woman was manning the centre. We three had a very interesting chat about the old belief that barnacle geese hatched from goose barnacles. Neither of them had heard about it before.

I'm gradually catching up after my week away from blip broadbandless.

*Male and female barnacle geese look very similar, the only difference is that the males are bigger. 

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