Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

the bypass...

So I read on social media that the  bypass is open for small vehicles, and I decided to try and get back to Lusaka.  My knee is really painful and I need to see a doctor to get it cleaned properly!

I set off and there were hundreds of vehicles lined up waiting to cross the bridge when it is fixed - the Zambian National service and Roads authority are building a temporary bridge.  I was shown the bypass and set off - at the beginning it was not bad - wide road, a bit muddy but not too bad!  However, as I went along, obviously the road got narrower and was just being made - it was barely wide enough for the vehicle in places, and when I met an oncoming vehicle it was a challenge to pass!  I didn't mind as I have been on worse roads in my time in Africa!

I managed to get home and then set off to the hospital.  The doctor looked at my leg, had it well cleaned and dressed and gave me antibiotics and a tetanus shot.  It is very painful but hopefully will begin to heal now!  I am thankful to be back in Lusaka again!

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