You don't have to say you're mine
No Glimmers today, but a trigger. New CFO messaged me and said 'it would be quite good to have a call'. I closed the lid of my laptop and walked away.
Himself took me a run to B&Q. My very favourite place. We are looking at bathroom cabinets. We found one we liked but we promised to look at IKEA too. So off we toddled
After a coffee and a cake we wandered round to the bathroom accessories and hummed and hawed for ages. We measured,, we read literature. And after pondering for probably thirty five minutes we decided to go back to.BQ
It took us an hour and ten minutes to get back to B&Q. The traffic was horrific. But we chatted and giggled. No tempers were lost
This photo is taken next to Ibrox, Helen Street.. we used to use this road a lot when there were tenements where this.grass is. They were horrific. Most were boarded up - but you could always see one in every boarded up block occupied. It must have been a night mare living there. Especially watching the hooded figures standing eerily around the doorways. At least they are gone and hopefully the people were rehoused somewhere nicer
At B&Q we checked the installation. We discussed the size of the sink (himself thinks it needs to be BIGGER ). And then we went for it
The we drove home and watched two episodes of Capture. Which we enjoyed very much!
On another point. I set the alarm last night! Okay so I set it to go off too early but at least I feel like waking myself up! It's all good. (But not quite a glimmer)
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