Night Flight
We are flying low, so very low, dear country. I want to apologize to all of our fellow Earthlings, all of my blip mates around the planet, for our sick, megalomaniac president whose mouth and minions are running amok with disgusting, disparaging remarks about countries around the world. LET ME ASSURE YOU, many, many of us abhor the administration's colonization plans; abhor everything he is doing every single day!
It is embarrassing to call this man president of the United States. It is humiliating and potentially horrifying to think that tRump might actually act on the threats and inanity that flow from his mouth.
We are angry. We are begging our elected officials to resist. We are gathering. We are reacting and we will ACT. There is a group in the US who call ourselves: The Third Act. We are a group of elders who realize we must hold ourselves accountable and we owe something to future generations. What will our Act III be? Stay tuned.
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