
By Viewpoint

One more card - Worsbrough Dam

I did a whole series of images round the Dam a few years ago and I think I did this one as a test print.  I’ve got two others in frames downstairs which are marginally different.  I think I was using in-camera multiple exposure, but can’t really remember.

I did quite a bit of juggling round food and medication yesterday, which didn’t leave me feeling too good. I needed to get my hair cut and to get myself tidied up and I always struggle with the timing of my 12 noon meds.  After shopping in the coop I was also getting late for the 4pm half dose and I needed to eat something. This doesn’t work well with the  medication, so I ended up struggling and really tired with a feeling that I’d been kicked in the stomach. Actually a feeling that started in mid morning. So I really struggled to get my tea (even though I’d bought a fish pie to go straight in the oven) and to sort my sandwich out ready for this morning.  I’ve been waking really early, like anywhere between 3am and 4, and have woken up feeling hungry. Having said that my stomach can no longer tell whether I’m anxious, hungry or bloated. But on a positive note I managed to sleep until just after 5.30 this morning, which was a relief to me and a cause for celebration.  I’ve just been so overwhelmingly tired.  I also slept on the settee yesterday evening thanks to David Olusoga who has this magical soothing way of speaking.

P.s. it’s now 7.20 on Thursday 6/02/25 - the day I wrote this and I’m feeling uncomfortably bloated.  This medication isn’t working for me.

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