
By pandieb


Hmmm. Last night's run, which started with me feeling really strong, ended with a bang when I tripped over a tree root and landed badly, straining my hamstring. As I was still a good three miles from home and couldn't really walk let alone run, plus it was probably around 0 degrees outside, I had to resort to getting an Uber to come and pick me up, something I've never had to do before. I was SO cross. Lots of paracetamol and ibuprofen and a day not doing much later it's still very stiff and sore but not, I don't think, torn, just badly strained. I really hope so as I'm off to Lisbon four weeks tomorrow for a half marathon, and then have a full one four weeks after than. I've already pulled out of my Sunday long run but I can't afford to miss too much training, it's a critical four weeks or so in the distances game.

I've asked my boss if there are any alternative roles for me too. Its not going to be good for me or the programme I'm working on for me to stay. He'll probably stick his head in the sand.

Stripey Cat was very focused on the bird having a bath in the gutter.

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