Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

After band practice

In the morning I went to the stitching group.  Many compliments for my most recent project - just finished, photo will follow in a day or two.  What next?  Probably a machine sewn quilt - I have a couple started, and not finished.  And simple cross stitching for the evening/stitching group.

Afterwards, I visited the bank, and persuaded them (with some difficulty - "why don't you just use the app?") to transfer some money to Sweden (Z is planning to buy a little country cottage/summer house and we're helping with some of our savings).  It really annoys me that there is so little personal service in a bank these days.  And don't get me started on the lost role of the all powerful bank manager (a la Captain Mainwaring in Dad's Army).  Trying to persuade any of the usual High Street Banks to open an account for our little flute group was a lost cause - fortunately the Credit Union was more amenable.

In the evening, a trip to band practice.  I tried to include the moon in the photo, but couldn't make it work.

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