Sky High Street
Brian was due to have a phone interview today for a potential job, so I decided to go out and make myself scarce.
Boots had a special over 60's discount day today, so I went and stocked up on a few things that I use and was running low on. I popped into a couple of discount stores for household items too.
I took this whilst in town as I liked the way the sun shone through the clouds.
When Brian does eventually find another job, he will need proof of id to show that he's legally entitled to work in the UK. A current passport or photo driving licence would do. He has neither...
To request a photo driving licence, as opposed to the paper one, he apparently needs to send his birth certificate. He has torn the house apart looking for it, and can't find it. In fact he's not sure he's ever brought it here. He's never needed it for anything before, as he set up all his life things that now require such documents when it was all much simpler. And he's never had a passport...
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