Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Bright eyes

I chose not to climb the high rocks this morning and worked at a lower level. Then I found Saskia sitting on a rock ledge with a hyrax and baby keeping her company. (Maybe it was the other way around?!)

I crept beside her and squirmed into a position where I could point the camera them. They were unfazed.

After a while, Saskia noticed a tiny elephant shrew scuttling around in the semi darkness of the rocks. It was trying to disturb moths for its breakfast! My photo it not great, but I was delighted to manage this shot.

We drove to the coast, through Henties Bay and on to Swakopmund for a one night stay in a hotel. There is always (almost always) a chilly sea fret on this Atlantic coast and the plants that grow here use the moisture from the air.

We stopped to look at one wreck. A young man dug vigorously for precious rocks and shells between the waves. These could be sold as souvenirs. 

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