Every time my daughter comes home from uni some of my clothes disappear.
She seems to have noticed that I’ve nicked my favourite jeans back. However I did point out she seems to be wearing my trainers… haha
First day since I don’t know when, when I woke up with no plans. I may have binge watched Amandaland throughout the day but in my defence I got the spare room ready for Gareth coming at the weekend, did a gym class then tackled the messy garden which was looking rather pathetic and tatty with its winter coat.
Also nipped along to N who’s forgotten his lunch a and got a glimpse of the future trying on a pair of Rayban Meta glasses. WOW! React to light so sunglasses as well as prescription. Connect to yourphone, play your audible etc directly Into your ears clearer than any headphones. Hit a button on the front. Photo. Hit the other side. Video
Ask it a question like Alexa ‘ Meta what time is it?’ 1.15pm. Incredible and if that’s what they’re capable of now what will the future bring?
£300 plus lenses. I want a pair!
Book 6 of the year finished
Lovely Green Eyes by Arnost Lustig sorry a no from me 1*. I think as a poor translation and just meandered
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