Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Cowl update

Progressing well, this is about half way through (do reverse of what I’ve completed to finish the cowl).
Great class this morning, initially full of chatter then full concentration (counting in our heads).  
They are all looking different, so we agreed we would take a block photo of completed ones.  Only next week then half term, so hopefully can finish ready for next terms classes.  I think we are doing a bowl with eggs in ……..

Met up with a friend this afternoon for coffee.  Both updated each other on family progress.  My friend is going to be a grandparent for the first time  in April so exciting times for her.  She is frantically knitting a blanket ready.  Agreed to catch up after the baby is born.

Tonight zoom committee meeting.  Our chair did well, all completed in around 35 minutes.  I’ve typed up the minutes and sent them over for verifying (I’d forget if I didn’t do it straight away).


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